Sabtu, 02 Juni 2012

Young Women's Leadership Training - Bali 2012

Deadline: June 15, 2012

Young Women's Leadership Training
Ubud, Bali, Indonesia
August 18 - 30, 2012 


Young women are powerful. We believe that when women feel safe, confident and strong in their essential selves, they discover a kind of fearlessness that enables them to enact their bold visions for reshaping their communities and the world. We believe that when women discover that fearlessness within themselves, nothing can stop them from leading change that transforms our world.

We are inviting young women, ages 18-35, to participate in an extraordinary gathering designed to launch a community of passionate, creative, and fearless leaders who are ready to transform the world.  

Be part of launching  a global community of fearless young women leaders! Join us for the first annual Young Women's Leadership Training in Bali.   Our hope is to engage you in a purposeful and heartfelt journey of discovery -- revealing the unique gifts and deeper calling that bring forth the powerful woman that you are.

Young Woman's Leadership is a 2-week training program in Bali filled with deep dialogue, leadership development, collaborative action-planning and experiential learning, all geared towards helping you move from passion to vision to action.  We will tap into our collective curiosity, creativity and courage as we deepen the exploration of what it means to be powerful women leaders -- and create new possibilities for stepping into our fullest potentials.

At the training you will: 

  • Expand your leadership capacity.
  • Transform yourself and learn tools for continual growth.
  • Reach across differences that divide us.
  • Launch global network of fearless young women leaders.
  • Gain critical skills to take your passion into action.
  • Learn from the Balinese connection to their ancestral harmony.
  • Return home with a visceral understanding of how you can make a difference in your lifetime.

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